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Max Le Moine

Industrial Design Student




Carleton University - Bachelor of Industrial Design

2021 - Present


Ottawa and Aurora, Canada

  • LinkedIn

Hello, I'm Max

I am a fourth-year industrial design student at Carleton University, and I am interested in Inclusive Design. In my studies, I have done a variety of projects in product, graphic, and UX/UI design. My work experiences have also given me experience in Accessible and Inclusive Design. Improving designs to make the world a better place is exciting to me! 


I hope you enjoy looking at my work. Please reach out using my contact information; I always am happy to talk about Design and my work!


2024 - Present


Inclusive Design Research Centre

  • Participate as a member of a technical team to help create standards around Aging Societies and inclusive cities.

  • Conduct research into the process of the creation of the standards to help understand accessibility barriers in the process.

2024 - Present

Service Designer
Non-for-Profit Organization 

  • Co-design a conversation series to educate health professionals.

  • Co-host the conversation series.

  • Collaborate with an international team.


Research Intern
Universidad EAFIT

  • Conducted design research on Origami Inspired Structures to design an Origami-Inspired Ramp.

  • Worked with the School of Applied Sciences and Engineering department.

  • Collaborated with a bilingual (Spanish and English) team.

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